Monday, 20 May 2019

Experience It: Learn the Secrets of a Successful and Happy Life


Introducing my second book on self-help (motivation and positive thinking)

'Experience It: Learn the Secrets of a Successful and Happy Life from an IITian'.

Available in all ebook platforms.

Link to the book page in Amazon

Link to the book page in Kobo, Apple, Nook, Scribd, 24s, Playster, Angus & Robertson

Are you facing: 

low confidence, lack of motivation, negative thoughts, life and/or family problems, dissatisfaction, frustration, jobless situation, depression, suicidal thoughts, love failure, lack of positivity, restriction/unfreedom, stress, tension, dissatisfaction with your son/daughter, unsatisfactory married life etc. and, are your parents restricting you from taking up your desired job or career or relation or lifestyle?

Then this book is definitely for you. 

'Experience It' tries to provide practical solutions to most of the above-mentioned elements and talks extensively on converting negatives into positives. This will help you change your perception by removing your negative thoughts. The author has shared his best thoughts based on his analysis of the negatives in life. This book is thus a best source for boosting your confidence, motivation, and positive thinking, by way of thought-provoking analysis, success mantras, short moral stories, real-life experiences/examples and lessons learned from them. This is an attempt to assist you to realize your inner strengths and the true purpose of your life, thereby helping you achieve the real happiness and success in life. The book has been written in very simple English so that everyone can understand.

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